
Interviews to help you grow with purpose.

Build Your Legacy & Leave A Lasting Impact

In this episode of She’s WILD, the podcast for women in land and development, host Nancy Surak and Emily discuss the value of coaching and leadership development (particularly for women), the importance of being a legacy-minded leader, the dynamic topic of work-life integration, and why discovering your blind spots is key to becoming a more effective leader.

Women’s History Month

In this It’s Happen’ In the Haven podcast, Emily sat down with host, Brianna Price to share her thoughts on Women’s History Month, her journey to entrepreneurship as a women, empowering women in the workforce, the importance of women collaborating and more.


Evolving from Experts to Thought Leaders

In the episode of LinkedIn Live, host Carol Cox of Speaking Your Brand, talks with Emily and Jackie Roby, travel sales consultant, about what it takes to be a thought leader, what mindshift needs to happen and what the message and content look like.

Leadership is about the Heart as Much as the Head

In this Speaking Your Brand podcast, Emily sat down with host, Carol Cox to dicuss how leaders can transform their teams, companies and cultures by leading from their hearts.


Leading Effectively During Crisis

During tumultuous times, we desperately need our leaders to be making sound decisions, focusing on community welfare, and charting a course for a prosperous future. We also need our leaders to be calm, emotionally collected, and compassionate. On this All Saints’ Podcast, Rev. Dr. Reid Hensarling and Emily discuss leading effectively during these times.

Managing Stress to Thrive During Challenging Times

In this premier episode of Andrea Oliver’s new show, “Lkldnow in View,” Emily talked about the emotional toll COVID-19 has had on so many of us and ways to continue to thrive – even during these challenging times.


Get Your New Year’s Resolution Back on Track

If you are like most of us these days, your 2020 resolutions and goals have fallen off track due to distractions and set backs associated with our rapidly changing and uncertain environment. Don’t be too hard on yourself – judge yourself lightly. In this interview with Andrea Oliver of Hall Communications, I share practical tips on how to get back on track.

Finding Your Magic

Emily Rogers, Founder of Emily Rogers Consulting + Coaching and Shelly Wilkes, President of the Orlando Magic’s Lakeland-based G League discuss the leadership challenges that are unique to women, the extraordinary gifts that women bring to leadership roles, and how to become more confident when navigating change.

Create a Conscience Culture 

Every organization, from a small business to a large corporation, has a culture. The culture determines the spoken – and unspoken – expectations and rules of engagement for how employees will interact, relate, lead, communicate and solve problems together. In this interview with Andrea Oliver, Emily talks about how your organization’s culture can prove to be a competitive advantage in your marketplace.

Why Relating Well is Essential to Leadership Success

A differentiating factor between leaders who lead and leaders who lead with excellence is often found in the leaders’s ability to relate well and bring out the best in people, teams, and organizations. In this interview with Andrea Oliver, Emily talks about learning to lead through others by creating strong relationships.

Legacy Leadership

Your leadership legacy is the impact and influence you have on others over your tenure as a leader and it is formed by the guiding principles you apply most consistently to your decisions and actions. In this radio interview Emily shares how legacy-minded leaders create lasting impact.

Creating Intelligent Change

For many of us the beginning of the new year means making a resolution to change. For some, change can be hard and a bit scary because it requires stepping outside of comfort zones. Giving up an old habit and starting a new one that better serves us. In this radio interview, Emily leads the audience through the process of creating intelligent change that sticks.

Mindful Leadership

Leaders in today’s world must find ways to produce outstanding results in an always-on, round-the-clock work atmosphere where distraction, mental clutter and an increasingly complex world can overwhelm vision and cloud strategic thinking. Mindful leadership starts with the self and is a powerful tool for anyone in a position to influence others – CEO’s, executives and managers, nonprofit leaders and community trailblazers. It invites leaders to explore the possibility of bringing the mind’s entire capacity to each moment cultivating leadership excellence and inspiring the very best in ourselves and others.

Inner Game of Leadership

Mastery of the technical competencies required to succeed professionally in a business or organization is only part of being a highly-effective leader. These technical competencies make up our “outer game” that is demonstrated in our productivity and achievement. In this radio interview, Emily explains how a focus on the “inner game” of leadership differentiates us, creates inspired and engaged teams, and gives us greater capacity to lead with excellence.

Thriving During The Stressful Holiday Season 

The holidays offer many reasons to be stressed. Often, the biggest source of holiday stress is dealing with difficult people that we may have been able to avoid at other times of the year. In this radio interview, Emily shares some tips for managing difficult relationships during the holiday season that are useful even after the holidays are over.

Setting Intentions

One of the best ways to begin a new year, a new project or even a new day is by setting an intention. By taking time to do this simple act, we create clarity and purpose in our lives, work and relationships. In this radio interview, Emily shares how to set an intention and the benefits you can expect.

Creating Work-Life Balance

Pressures of juggling daily work and life obligations can leave us feeling depleted and have damaging effects on our well-being. In a society that places a high value on a ‘busyness badge of honor”, finding work-life balance can be difficult. In this radio interview, Emily helps us recognize the signs of imbalance and provides tools to re-balance our priorities with purpose.

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Free Guide: Creating Intelligent Change

Change can be difficult and people often resist it. If your team is not prepared for change, keeping up with the pace of change, and willing to embrace change, your organization risks becoming irrelevant. This guide is intended to provide a framework for intentionally talking about the change you want to create, ensure the roles that are vital to the change process are clearly understood, and to define the conditions necessary for creating intelligent change. 

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Free: Guide to Creating Intelligent Change

How to talk about change in an organization, ensure roles vital to the process are understood, and define the necessary conditions for intelligent change.

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