If you’ve ever struggled as a leader with how to meaningfully connect with your team members while staying focused on achieving your organization's goals, you’re not alone. The generative tension that exists between demonstrating care and concern for others and...
Let's Grow Together Blog
Blogs to help you grow with purpose.
How Designing Alliances Will Cultivate Cohesive Teams
Every leader has been involved in spearheading a strategic initiative that has gotten off track. When this has happened to you, were you able to identify the cause of the setback and quickly get your team back on track? Perhaps there was some misalignment about...
Lessons from Dr. Melody Rider on Leading with Flexibility, Inspiration and Genuine Care
Back to school has always been Dr. Melody Rider’s favorite time of year. As a life-long learner, an education administrator for over 20 years, and a college president for 16 of those years, Dr. Rider has always found that there is something special about the start of...
Best Practices for Leading Virtual Teams
Now that many of you are adapting to working from home and virtually managing team members has become a very necessary fact of life, we are offering some practical tips to lay the foundation for maintaining engaged, emotionally connected, and highly effective teams in...
6 Ways to Cultivate a Positive Organizational Culture
Every organization, from a small business to a large corporation, has a culture. The culture determines the spoken - and unspoken - expectations and rules of engagement for how employees will interact, relate, lead, communicate, and solve problems together. When you...
Top Blogs
How To Create Meaningful Connection
If you’ve ever struggled as a leader with how to meaningfully connect with your team members while staying focused on achieving your organization's goals, you’re not alone. The generative tension that exists between demonstrating care and concern for others and...
Kim Long – Seeking First to Understand
Kim Long as the Executive Director for Polk Vision, leads a county-wide collective impact organization dedicated to aligning resources across Polk County. Prior to her current position, Kim’s varied career spans the corporate, non-profit, and private sectors and she...
5 Fundamental Leadership Practices for Keeping Employees Engaged
Gallop defines employee engagement as the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace, and their 2022 State of the Global Workplace Report reveals that our global economy loses $7.8 trillion due to low engagement. Are your team members...