Originally published on Forbes.com August 2019 The effective implementation of an executive-level leadership succession plan is not just about naming the successor. Specific and intentional action must be taken to ensure that the successor, who may be new to an...
Let's Grow Together Blog
Blogs to help you grow with purpose.
Local Leaders Optimistic About Lakeland’s Economy & Growth, But Worried Teams Are Unprepared to Achieve Results
Recently, I had the privilege to collaborate once again with the Lakeland Economic Development Council to survey Lakeland-based CEOs about their outlook on their businesses and the broader economy as we emerge from the pandemic. Three years ago, we conducted a similar...
How to Overcome 3 Common Family Business Roadblocks
Family businesses are all around us—from privately owned neighborhood mom-and-pop stores to publicly held household names such as Wal-Mart, Ford, and Cargill. Family-owned businesses are the backbone of the American economy. According to the US Census Bureau, 90% of...
Is Your Leadership Bench Ready To Fulfill Your Organization’s Future Potential?
In sports, there are always players ready to fill gaps created by injury, retirement, or poor performance. Baseball has an elaborate farm league system that constantly develops players for the big league, yet in business where the stakes are arguably higher,...
Legacy Leadership: Living Your Purpose, Leaving Your Mark
“If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.” ~ Maya Angelou Your leadership legacy is the impact and influence you have on others over your tenure as a leader and it is formed by the guiding principles you apply most...
Creating Intelligent Change
Change is constant, inevitable and natural - particularly in a dynamic business environment. Throughout the business cycle, change is something that typically happens as a reaction to circumstances. Human beings generally don’t like change and we tend to hope that...
Leadership Development: The Importance of Meaningful Feedback
Developing leaders at various levels in an organization is a strategic imperative for most businesses. Yet it falls into the “important and not urgent” box on an Eisenhower Matrix (also known as Urgent-Important Matrix), often getting sidelined by necessary day-to-day...
Family is a Family Business’s Greatest Liability – and its Greatest Asset
Family businesses are all around us—from neighborhood mom-and-pop stores to household names such as BMW, Samsung, and Wal-Mart Stores. Approximately 80% of all businesses in the United States are classified as a family business, meaning that a family owns a...
Top Blogs
How To Create Meaningful Connection
If you’ve ever struggled as a leader with how to meaningfully connect with your team members while staying focused on achieving your organization's goals, you’re not alone. The generative tension that exists between demonstrating care and concern for others and...
Kim Long – Seeking First to Understand
Kim Long as the Executive Director for Polk Vision, leads a county-wide collective impact organization dedicated to aligning resources across Polk County. Prior to her current position, Kim’s varied career spans the corporate, non-profit, and private sectors and she...
5 Fundamental Leadership Practices for Keeping Employees Engaged
Gallop defines employee engagement as the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace, and their 2022 State of the Global Workplace Report reveals that our global economy loses $7.8 trillion due to low engagement. Are your team members...